Diet Guide  
Recommendations For The Nutrition


Nutrition is not to supress the feelings of hunger, to feed the stomach or to eat or drink want you desire.Nutrition is an action which is done consciously to take the nutrients needed by the body in sufficient quantity and at appropriate time in order to protect the health and to improve the quality of life. 

Nutrition is not to supress the feelings of hunger, to feed the stomach or to eat or drink want you desire. Nutrition is an action which is done consciously to take the nutrients needed by the body in sufficient quantity and at appropriate time in order to protect the health and to improve the quality of life. The adequate and balance diet is essential for the protection of health and for the prevention of diseases. If we take less nutrition than the need of our body,  the condition of “inadequate nutrition” occurs due to the insufficient energy and unperformed body tissues. If a person eats more than it is necessary he takes more than the required nutrients. Some of the elements accumulate fat in the body so they are harmful to your health. Additionally, in contrast of insufficient nutrition, if we do not choose appropriate food or apply wrong cooking methods some of the nutrition’s can be disappeared so the health can be impaired due to the unfulfilled function of the body. Both cases are samples for “unbalanced diet”.  In persons with adequate and balanced diet:

  • The appearance is proper
  • Glance is moving and carefully
  • The skin is smooth, slightly moisture and pink
  • The hair is healthy and shiny
  • Muscles are strong and their development is normal
  • Arms and legs are proper and well-developed
  • No often complaints about headaches, have appetite and are willing to work
  • The body weight is proportional for the height and age
  • Their mental, emotional and social developments are normal


The appearance of people with unbalanced and insufficient nutrition:


  • Their movements are heavy and unwillingly, their body is bent
  • Fat belly
  • Variety of wounds and slights on the skin
  • Frequent complaints of headaches
  • Tired, reluctant personality


The TC Ministry of Health has decided by taking into consideration the food production and nutritional status of our country that the use of the four nutrition groups is more appropriate in the planning of the daily required essential nutrients. These are: milk and dairy products, meat-egg-dry legumes, vegetables and fruits, breads and cereals.  The dairy products include milk and foods made from milk such as yoghurt, cheese and milk power. All age groups including especially adult women, children and young people should consume this food group every day.


  • The adults need to consume 2 portions of milk or dairy products while the adolescents, children, pregnant, breastfeeding and post-menopausal women should consume 3-4 portions of dairy products every day. (A  portion contains a medium sized glass of milk or yoghurt and cheese in a sixe of two matchboxes )
  • Prefer fat reduced milk and yoghurt and cheese with less salt
  • Boiling the milk for another 5 minutes after it reached the boiling point is useful for hygienic reasons
  • Filtering the water of the yoghurt and wasting this water can cause loss in vitaminB2
  • Sugar should be added to sweets made from milk after taking it from the stove. Adding sugar during the cooking period can cause loss in the milk protein.
  • The purchased plastic milk or yoghurt containers should not be used for further storage purposes.
  • Eating yoghurt or drinking salty yoghurt drinks in the treatment of diarrhoea may save lives


The second group contains nutrients such as meat, poultry, fish, egg, beans, chickpeas, lentils. The oily seeds such as walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts take place also in this group. Because these oily seeds contain more oil than the other foods we need to pay attention how much we eat from these.


  • Meat is a good source of quality protein. It must necessary take place in the nutrition of the rapid-growing infants and children who have increased need particularly for protein.
  • The meat itself should be eaten rather than its stock due to the contained protein
  • Because the fatty meats have higher saturated fat and cholesterol the persons with diseases such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, and hypertension should choose skinless white meat (chicken) and fish instead of fatty red meat.
  • Meat which was controlled by veterinary should be consumed. The illegally cut meat may carry disease factors.
  • Methods like boiling and grill should be preferred when preparing the meat, frying should be avoided.
  • When grilling the meat the distance between the meat and fire should be arranged so that the meat will not be burnt otherwise carcinogenic sub stances may occur.
  • Meat should be purchased from reliable places, if it is not consumed immediately it should be stored in cool or in the freezer.
  • Uncooked (raw) eggs should not be consumed.
  • Babies and children should eat every day an egg due to its high quality protein.
  • Those who do not eat can consume egg as meat options. One egg in terms of nutritional value is equivalent to a piece of meat in the size of egg.
  • Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator without washing.
  • The lecithin in the egg helps the brain functions to be regular.


Major dried leguminous vegetables: chickpea, lentil, bean, pea, cowpea and soybean. The dried leguminous should be cooked properly for the ease of digestion. 1- Wetting: it should be soaked in water at room temperature for 8-24 hours. The gas making agents disappear with the water. The soaking water can be spilled. When the skin of the red and yellow lentils is separated they do not be soaked.  2- Removal of the outer membrane: it may be beneficial for those with digestive system disorders and for the babies. Expect these cases you do not need to remove the outer membrane.3- Cooking: proper cooking is important in terms of facilitating digestions. If you spill the water in which they were cooked it leads to the loss of minerals and vitamin B. Therefore the cooking water should not be spilled definitely.


  • Because they have high content of sediment and low content of fat they should take place frequently in the diet of cardiovascular and diabetic patients.
  • To improve the quality of protein it should be consumed with cereals
  • They help in growing and developing
  • They provide the regeneration of the cell and the repairmen of the issue
  • They include basic elements for the health of skin and eye
  • They protect the health of teeth and gums
  • They are rich in element which are involved in the construction of blood
  • They are effective in the formation of resistance against the diseases.
  • They provide the sense of being full
  • They reduce the risk of obesity and chronic diseases (cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and certain types of cancer) connected to unbalanced nutrition.
  • They help the digestion system to work properly.


Principles of cooking: prefer to consume raw fruits and vegetables. Do not peel the edible shells. If you need to peel it then peel as thin as possible. Many of the vitamins and minerals are in the shell, outer leaves or right under the shell of the fruits and vegetables. The fresh vegetables should be extracted first then should be washed under running water and should be cooked in water. When washing the vegetables they should not be waited long in the water. Some of the vitamins can be soluble in the water. Vegetables should be cut into large pieces just before cooking. Less contact with the surface reduces the loss of vitamin. The hot mix in which the vegetable will be cooked should be prepared before chopping the vegetables. The green leafy vegetables contain high amount of water. Therefore, they can be cooked without adding any water. Vegetables should be cooked in a short time to protect their vitality. Some of the vitamins such as C and B vitamin can be disappear due to the heat. While cooking vegetables and fruits the pan should be closed. Thus, there will not be loss of steam and the cooking time will be shorter. The water in which the vegetable was cooked should definitely not be spilled. If you spill it a large portion of the water soluble vitamins ( Vitamin C, B2, folic acit etc.) will be lost so the nutritional value of the food will decrease. Instead of consuming only the juice of the fruits and vegetables the whole of them should be eaten. The germinated potatoes should not be consumed. It can cause solanine poisoning. 5 servings of vegetable or fruit should be consumed daily. Cereal grains such as wheat, rice, corn, rye and oats and the other products made from them like wheat, bulgur, cracked wheat, and cereals are also in this group.


  • 3 slices of bread a day is enough for obese individuals who move very little while the thin people or the physical workers can eat 3-5 times more from it.
  • 6 portions of whole grain products  (6 slices of bread or 3 slices of bread and 1 scoop of soup with flour, 4 tablespoon of rice) can be consumed per day. The physical workers or those with higher energy needs can consume more from this kind of products.
  • Whole grain products should be consumed every day or even every meal.
  • To increase the protein and vitamin content consume these together with other nutrients( dry beans, milk and dairy products).
  • For adequate, well-balanced, healthy and morale booster diet, consume a small amount of different types of foods instead of eating from one or two food groups.
  • If you cook a single nutrient in different colours and flavours in the food it can also provide diversity in the diet.
  • One of the qualities of the Turkish cuisine is the variety of the foods. This culinary culture should be changed according to some nutrition principles.


There are two methods to make weight control. First is the Body Mass Index (BMI), the second is the Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR). 1-  Body Mass Index (BMI) = weight (kg) / height (cm). The following table was prepared to evaluate the results of the calculations according to this formula.




18,5 – 24,9


25 – 29,9

Slightly fat

30 – 34,9

1st Degree Of Obesity

35 – 39,9

2nd Degree Of Obesity

40 - ­

Extremely Obese



The İdeal Body Mass İndex İs Shown According To The Age İn The Table Below.





















The İdeal Bmı İs 22 İn Men And 21 İn Women Without The Age Difference.


2- Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR)

The Thinnest Part Of The Waist And The Largest Part Of The Hip İs Measured. The Waist Circumference Of The Men Should Be Around 108 And Of The Women Under 88 Cm. The Waist/ Hip Ratio Should Be Below 0,9 İn Men And 0,8 İn Women.

How To Meet The Water Needs? It Should Be Provide From Clean Sources Known As Essential Elements For Life.

The Water Needs Of The Women:

Drinking Water……………………….1200-1500 Ml/Day

Food And Beverages………………1000 Ml/Day

While The Human Can Survive For Days Without Food, Without Water İt İs İmpossible. Especially İn Case Of Diarrhoea The Mixture Of Salt And Sugar Can Save Lives.

The Doubtful Water Should Be Boiled And Cooled Before Consuming İt. The Boiled Water Should Be Vented By Transferring İt From Container To Container For Several Times. The Drinkable Tap Water Should Be Used After Allowing The Water To Flow For A While.



Always Read The Label Of İnformation On The Packaging. Avoid Contacting The Raw Foods With Each Other While Purchasing, Cooking Or Storing Them. Keep Your Hands Clean While Preparing, Cooking, Storing Or Serving The Food. Cook The Foods At Suitable Temperature. The Perishable Foods And Leftovers Should Be Placed To The Fridge Without Waiting. Keep The Hot Food Hot And The Cold Food Cold. Don’t Leave Them At Room Temperature.

  • Recipes
  • Recommendations For The Nutrition
  • List Of Calories
  • Kitchen Tips
Chicken Saute
30 Mins.
6 Person

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